Friday, May 29, 2009

Vacation Want Ads

DRIVER AVAILABLE. Are you planning a trip to (a city)? I will drive your (noun). I am a person of (adjective) character and a graduate of (a school). I have been (verb ending in ING) for twelve years.

MOTHER (name of girl) offers you (adjective) accommodations in her (adjective) home. Only $10 per (something alive) for (noun) and breakfast.

DO YOU NEED A HOUSE SITTER? While you are (verb ending in ING) around the country, who is looking after your (adjective) house? Burglars could steal your (plural noun). Who will feed your pet (animal, plural)? We will (adverb) take care of everything. Call (noun) Sitters Unlimited.

Suzanne said...
DRIVER AVAILABLE. Are you planning a trip to Salt Lake? I will drive your red. I am a person of hot character and a graduate of Utah State University. I have been running for twelve years.

MOTHER Madonna offers you wet accommodations in her sticky home. Only $10 per weed for white and breakfast.

DO YOU NEED A HOUSE SITTER? While you are sleeping around the country, who is looking after your humid house? Burglars could steal your buses. Who will feed your pet kitties? We will knowingly take care of everything. Call Blue Sitters Unlimited.

FluffyChicky said...
DRIVER AVAILABLE. Are you planning a trip to Armpit-Fartopolis? I will drive your shoe. I am a person of lip-smacking character and a graduate of Bride of Frankenstein School of Hair Design. I have been slapping for twelve years.

MOTHER Gargantuan Gertrude offers you cheap accommodations in her putrid home. Only $10 per creeping crud for megaphone and breakfast.

DO YOU NEED A HOUSE SITTER? While you are canoodling around the country, who is looking after your hairy house? Burglars could steal your air guitars. Who will feed your pet gremlins? We will heavily take care of everything. Call Grunties Sitters Unlimited.

Sassy said:
DRIVER AVAILABLE. Are you planning a trip to New York? I will drive your Jake. I am a person of hairy character and a graduate of Dixon Middle School. I have been running for twelve years.

MOTHER Kenzie offers you sunburned accommodations in her fluffy home. Only $10 per ant for booger and breakfast.

DO YOU NEED A HOUSE SITTER? While you are pooping around the country, who is looking after your green house? Burglars could steal your carpets. Who will feed your pet cats? We will greenly take care of everything. Call Billy-Bob-Joe Sitters Unlimited.

Oldest said:
DRIVER AVAILABLE. Are you planning a trip to Timbuktoo? I will drive your Home Depot. I am a person of sunburned character and a graduate of Cosmetology school. I have been jumping for twelve years.

MOTHER Leigh offers you smiley accommodations in her spectacular home. Only $10 per grass for cows blood and breakfast.

DO YOU NEED A HOUSE SITTER? While you are driving around the country, who is looking after your pathetic house? Burglars could steal your pipes. Who will feed your pet Ligers? We will surprisingly take care of everything. Call Sewer Pipe Sitters Unlimited.

Frog said:
DRIVER AVAILABLE. Are you planning a trip to San Francisco? I will drive your pain. I am a person of sweet character and a graduate of Aesthetics. I have been flying for twelve years.

MOTHER Lisa offers you bright accommodations in her soft home. Only $10 per ladybug for car and breakfast.

DO YOU NEED A HOUSE SITTER? While you are swimming around the country, who is looking after your small house? Burglars could steal your beds. Who will feed your pet kitties? We will lovingly take care of everything. Call Apartment Sitters Unlimited.

Klin said:
DRIVER AVAILABLE. Are you planning a trip to Atlantis? I will drive your nail gun. I am a person of hawt character and a graduate of School of Clowns in the Making. I have been fun-sucking for twelve years.

MOTHER Tabitha offers you fragile accommodations in her busy home. Only $10 per snake for video game and breakfast.

DO YOU NEED A HOUSE SITTER? While you are spoiling around the country, who is looking after your messy house? Burglars could steal your poops. Who will feed your pet lizards? We will freakishly take care of everything. Call Candle Sitters Unlimited.

Millie said...
DRIVER AVAILABLE. Are you planning a trip to Drool Bib, Florida? I will drive your armpit whisker. I am a person of squat character and a graduate of Aunt Trudy's Home for Unwed Teens. I have been swaying for twelve years.

MOTHER Ursula offers you ruffly accommodations in her piquant home. Only $10 per Jenny Meyer's Jell-o for escaped evil bunny eating everyone's garden plants and breakfast.

DO YOU NEED A HOUSE SITTER? While you are skinny-dipping around the country, who is looking after your Studebaker-obsessed house? Burglars could steal your toaster cozies. Who will feed your pet shrimp? We will vehemently take care of everything. Call Teepee Doorbell Sitters Unlimited.

Thorny Tree Lady said...
DRIVER AVAILABLE. Are you planning a trip to Shangri La? I will drive your pencil. I am a person of slimy character and a graduate of BYU. I have been coughing for twelve years.

MOTHER Whining Winnefred offers you putrid accommodations in her angry home. Only $10 per gila monster for mosquito bite and breakfast.

DO YOU NEED A HOUSE SITTER? While you are ralphing around the country, who is looking after your frictionless house? Burglars could steal your Advil Caplets. Who will feed your pet undomesticated equines? We will cunningly take care of everything. Call Crazed LOST Fan Sitters Unlimited.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Driving in the Car

Last summer on our vacation my father drove us to (a place). Our car is a/an (a year) sedan with (number) doors and a/an (adjective) motor. We started out at sunrise. My mother and father spent all night (verb ending in ING) the house and (verb ending in ING) the car so we could get an early start. My father took his golf (plural noun) and my mother took her tennis (noun). I took my dog, (someone's name). The dog and I and my little (adjective) sister sat in the back. My father was the driver, and as he came out of our driveway, he ran into a/an (noun) and dented a/an (noun). My mother said, "Why don't you pay attention and watch where you are driving?" That made my father (adjective), but he didn't say one (noun). After (number) hours, we stopped to (verb) at a (noun). The (noun) was horrible, and this made my father (adjective) again. After driving (adverb) in this manner for two days, we finally arrived here and have been having a really (adjective) time.

FluffyChicky said...
Last summer on our vacation my father drove us to Privy #2 in Buckingham Palace. Our car is a 19-dickey-2 sedan with 27 doors and a boogery motor. We started out at sunrise. My mother and father spent all night trotting the house and perusing the car so we could get an early start. My father took his golf Eggo waffles drowned in tasty yet extremely sticky syrup and my mother took her tennis Aunt Wanda’s disturbing collection of spare body parts. I took my dog, Dick Dickerson. The dog and I and my little oddly flatulent sister sat in the back. My father was the driver, and as he came out of our driveway, he ran into a tutu and dented a dysfunctional flea collar. My mother said, "Why don't you pay attention and watch where you are driving?" That made my father spank, but he didn't say one nice yet extremely naughty nun. After 799.9 hours, we stopped to smooch at a never-been-used port-a-potty. The ponytail holder was horrible, and this made my father Hunchback of Notre Dame-esque again. After driving painstakingly in this manner for two days, we finally arrived here and have been having a really timid time.

Millie said...
Last summer on our vacation my father drove us to inside the Schwann's truck. Our car is a 2371 sedan with 23 doors and a flagellum-like motor. We started out at sunrise. My mother and father spent all night hip-swaying the house and fly-swattering the car so we could get an early start. My father took his golf dandelion puffs and my mother took her tennis tetanus shot. I took my dog, Sally Shivwits. The dog and I and my little poked with a hot stick sister sat in the back. My father was the driver, and as he came out of our driveway, he ran into a Bi-Mart card and dented a crazy cat lady. My mother said, "Why don't you pay attention and watch where you are driving?" That made my father slap, but he didn't say one expiration date. After 1764 hours, we stopped to throw a fit at a Lionel Richie mullet wig. The tongue bump was horrible, and this made my father obvious to everyone but you again. After driving vase-droppingly in this manner for two days, we finally arrived here and have been having a really lit up like a Christmas tree on the Fourth of July time.

Klin said...
Last summer on our vacation my father drove us to the stinking court room. Our car is a 1967 sedan with 7 doors and a stacked high motor. We started out at sunrise. My mother and father spent all night swinging the house and barking the car so we could get an early start. My father took his golf toys and my mother took her tennis water bottle. I took my dog, Nedra Bean. The dog and I and my little flopping down sister sat in the back. My father was the driver, and as he came out of our driveway, he ran into a rocking chair and dented a missing broom. My mother said, "Why don't you pay attention and watch where you are driving?" That made my father slippery wet, but he didn't say one boy carrying dustpan. After 42 hours, we stopped to flatulate at a misplaced ironing board. The dog chew toy was horrible, and this made my father wilted and dying again. After driving wackily in this manner for two days, we finally arrived here and have been having a really flying high time.

Sassy said...
Last summer on our vacation my father drove us to the mall. Our car is a 1995 sedan with 2 doors and a fluffy motor. We started out at sunrise. My mother and father spent all night running the house and walking the car so we could get an early start. My father took his golf cats and my mother took her tennis Mighty Mouse. I took my dog, JoeBob Snakepants. The dog and I and my little brown sister sat in the back. My father was the driver, and as he came out of our driveway, he ran into a Muscle Man and dented Jake. My mother said, "Why don't you pay attention and watch where you are driving?" That made my father rough, but he didn't say one Bob. After 16 hours, we stopped to poop at Talissa. The Brittany was horrible, and this made my father harsh again. After driving bitingly in this manner for two days, we finally arrived here and have been having a really green time.

Tree Monkey said...
Last summer on our vacation my father drove us to Arcade Alley. Our car is a 1997 sedan with 7 doors and a pink motor. We started out at sunrise. My mother and father spent all night jumping the house and double dutching the car so we could get an early start. My father took his golf dogs and my mother took her tennis bunny. I took my dog, Soxy Pox Kitty. The dog and I and my little blue sister sat in the back. My father was the driver, and as he came out of our driveway, he ran into a doggy and dented a kitty. My mother said, "Why don't you pay attention and watch where you are driving?" That made my father yellow, but he didn't say one mouse. After 77 hours, we stopped to run at a guinea pig. The rat was horrible, and this made my father purple again. After driving lastly in this manner for two days, we finally arrived here and have been having a really soft time.

Thorny Tree Lady said...
Last summer on our vacation my father drove us to Cinderella's Castle. Our car is a 2012 sedan with 815 doors and a glamorous motor. We started out at sunrise. My mother and father spent all night shaving the house and licking the car so we could get an early start. My father took his golf lying liars who lie and my mother took her tennis great horned owl. I took my dog, Ace Ventura, Pet Dectective. The dog and I and my little googley-eyed sister sat in the back. My father was the driver, and as he came out of our driveway, he ran into chocolate chip cookie dough and dented a tired toddler. My mother said, "Why don't you pay attention and watch where you are driving?" That made my father itty-bitty, but he didn't say one overachiever. After 316 hours, we stopped to slither at a used Q-tip. The Subway Sandwich Artist was horrible, and this made my father freaked-out again. After driving parenthetically in this manner for two days, we finally arrived here and have been having a really oozing time.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Uncle Dudley's Farm #1

My dad says Uncle Dudley's favorite expression is "The early (noun) catches the (noun)," and boy is Dad right. When we stay at Uncle Dudley's (adjective) farm, he drags us out of bed even before the rooster (verb ending in S) or the (noun) comes up. And right after we eat a/an (adjective) breakfast, we have to milk the cows, feed the (plural noun), and groom the (plural noun). Only when we've finished our (plural noun), can we go out and play hide and (verb), go bare (part of body) riding on the horses, or even skinny-(verb ending in ING) in the old swimming (noun). Dad thinks Uncle Dudley is a/an (adjective) (noun), but to tell the (adjective) truth, I love spending time on his (noun).

Millie said...
My dad says Uncle Dudley's favorite expression is "The early bicycle rikshaw catches the hemorrhoid sufferer," and boy is Dad right. When we stay at Uncle Dudley's slippery when wet farm, he drags us out of bed even before the rooster screeches or the fork bent by mind power comes up. And right after we eat a Rastafarian breakfast, we have to milk the cows, feed the Hungarians, and groom the droplets. Only when we've finished our armpit noises, can we go out and play hide and twitch, go bare eyelid fat riding on the horses, or even skinny-barking in the old swimming giant windmill. Dad thinks Uncle Dudley is a nose-piercing girl who can't say "Seattle" correctly, but to tell the spoons-playing truth, I love spending time on his creep under the stairs.

Thorny Tree Lady said...
My dad says Uncle Dudley's favorite expression is "The early child who won't listen to his mother catches the fingernail longer than the other 9," and boy is Dad right. When we stay at Uncle Dudley's krunktastic farm, he drags us out of bed even before the rooster screams or the boo-boo requiring three Dora Band-Aids comes up. And right after we eat an elevated breakfast, we have to milk the cows, feed the baby bunnies, and groom the sparkling blackberry IZZE drinks. Only when we've finished our Dancing With the Stars judges' paddles, can we go out and play hide and freak, go bare tastebud riding on the horses, or even skinny-yawning in the old swimming car that's broken-down on the side of I-5. Dad thinks Uncle Dudley is a snifferific celebrity Twitter-er, but to tell the itchy truth, I love spending time on his neighbor who everyone said "kept to himself" until that night he went ballistic and knocked over everyone's garbage cans.

FluffyChicky said...
My dad says Uncle Dudley's favorite expression is "The early Prospector Pete and his lazy eye catches the slightly used whoopee cushion," and boy is Dad right. When we stay at Uncle Dudley's delicious farm, he drags us out of bed even before the rooster performs or the spamburger comes up. And right after we eat a splendiferous breakfast, we have to milk the cows, feed the hairy hippo feet, and groom the toilet seat sculptures. Only when we've finished our arugula sprouts, can we go out and play hide and squish, go bare uvula riding on the horses, or even skinny-Googling in the old swimming Knight who says Ni. Dad thinks Uncle Dudley is a mind-numbing old gray mare (who ain’t what she used to be), but to tell the spanktastic truth, I love spending time on his big steaming bowl of Finnish fish-eye soup.

Klin said...
My dad says Uncle Dudley's favorite expression is "The early candle catches the stinky sneaker," and boy is Dad right. When we stay at Uncle Dudley's electromagnectic farm, he drags us out of bed even before the rooster pimps or the chew toy comes up. And right after we eat a pus-like breakfast, we have to milk the cows, feed the lost keys, and groom the reading glasses. Only when we've finished our zoo annimals, can we go out and play hide and drop, go bare pharynx riding on the horses, or even skinny-surprising in the old swimming spazzy girl. Dad thinks Uncle Dudley is a freakish loaded dishwasher, but to tell the geek-like truth, I love spending time on his hand sanitizer.

Friday, May 8, 2009


Look at yourself in the (noun). What does your (adjective) face tell you? Right! It's time to treat your tired (noun) to an ocean (verb ending in ING) cruise. So do it! Sail in style on a/an (adjective) luxury (noun). Whether it's the (adjective) spaciousness of our staterooms or the (adjective) elegance of our salons, everything is fit for a/an (noun). Our ships are skippered by Norwegian (plural noun), whose ancestors, dating back to the ninth (noun), were seafaring (plural noun). Europe's most (adjective) chefs prepare your culinary (plural noun). Our pastry chef creates (adjective) desserts that melt in your (noun). Our dashing waiters are at your (noun) before you can raise a/an (part of body). Don't delay. Plan to sail today. Now look in the mirror. How about that smiling (noun)?

Millie said...
Look at yourself in the uneasy cow hooked up to the milker for the first time. What does your afraid-of-catching-swine-flu face tell you? Right! It's time to treat your tired eyeball poke to an ocean stinging cruise. So do it! Sail in style on a verdant luxury dandelion puff. Whether it's the hippie lettuce-growing spaciousness of our staterooms or the giddy elegance of our salons, everything is fit for a Lucky Charms addict. Our ships are skippered by Norwegian brassieres, whose ancestors, dating back to the ninth squeaky porch swing, were seafaring mothers-in-law. Europe's most twice-baked chefs prepare your culinary bored toll booth operators. Our pastry chef creates frequently-gossipped-about desserts that melt in your inappropriate dog costume. Our dashing waiters are at your milk chunk before you can raise a phalange. Don't delay. Plan to sail today. Now look in the mirror. How about that smiling broccoli spear?

Jumping Monkey said...
Look at yourself in the keyboard. What does your fat face tell you? Right! It's time to treat your tired Neverland to an ocean growling cruise. So do it! Sail in style on a broken luxury flip-flop. Whether it's the excited spaciousness of our staterooms or the crazy elegance of our salons, everything is fit for a hymnbook. Our ships are skippered by Norwegian necklaces, whose ancestors, dating back to the ninth rocking chair, were seafaring toenails. Europe's most nasty chefs prepare your culinary balls. Our pastry chef creates hairy desserts that melt in your plasma. Our dashing waiters are at your football before you can raise a tongue. Don't delay. Plan to sail today. Now look in the mirror. How about that smiling Alaska?

Klin said...
Look at yourself in the room. What does your purple face tell you? Right! It's time to treat your tired petunia to an ocean snoring cruise. So do it! Sail in style on a warm luxury Josh. Whether it's the tall spaciousness of our staterooms or the smelly elegance of our salons, everything is fit for a commercial. Our ships are skippered by Norwegian wedding dresses, whose ancestors, dating back to the ninth 401K, were seafaring funny kitties. Europe's most cluttered chefs prepare your culinary tired feet. Our pastry chef creates dim-witted desserts that melt in your puppy. Our dashing waiters are at your melted crayon before you can raise a retina. Don't delay. Plan to sail today. Now look in the mirror. How about that smiling peep toe shoe?

Sassy said...
Look at yourself in the cocoa. What does your squishy face tell you? Right! It's time to treat your tired Bob to an ocean running cruise. So do it! Sail in style on a hairy luxury Jake. Whether it's the slimy spaciousness of our staterooms or the soft elegance of our salons, everything is fit for a Macey's. Our ships are skippered by Norwegian DVDs, whose ancestors, dating back to the ninth Rue 21, were seafaring floors. Europe's most green chefs prepare your culinary woods. Our pastry chef creates fat desserts that melt in your monster. Our dashing waiters are at your iPod before you can raise a toe. Don't delay. Plan to sail today. Now look in the mirror. How about that smiling cookie?

Suzanne said...
Look at yourself in the peanut butter. What does your yucky face tell you? Right! It's time to treat your tired ice cream to an ocean swimming cruise. So do it! Sail in style on a sticky luxury hamburger. Whether it's the delicious spaciousness of our staterooms or the tempting elegance of our salons, everything is fit for a popsicle. Our ships are skippered by Norwegian swimming lessons, whose ancestors, dating back to the ninth cereal, were seafaring movies. Europe's most orange chefs prepare your culinary parks. Our pastry chef creates fresh desserts that melt in your strawberry. Our dashing waiters are at your yogurt before you can raise an earlobe. Don't delay. Plan to sail today. Now look in the mirror. How about that smiling beef jerky?

Thorny Tree Lady said...
Look at yourself in the empty water bottle. What does your craptastic face tell you? Right! It's time to treat your tired Super Wal-Mart to an ocean ovulating cruise. So do it! Sail in style on an overwhelmed luxury box of Hot Tamales. Whether it's the salty spaciousness of our staterooms or the infectious elegance of our salons, everything is fit for a dentist chair. Our ships are skippered by Norwegian Daughtry groupies, whose ancestors, dating back to the ninth plasma TV, were seafaring dental picks. Europe's most multi-layered chefs prepare your culinary summer sandals. Our pastry chef creates cinnamon-y desserts that melt in your guacamole. Our dashing waiters are at your Hugh Jackman poster before you can raise an earlobe. Don't delay. Plan to sail today. Now look in the mirror. How about that smiling retainer?

Rachael said...
Look at yourself in the gas tank. What does your bored face tell you? Right! It's time to treat your tired Kleenex to an ocean spilling cruise. So do it! Sail in style on a gangrene-infested luxury window washer. Whether it's the overgrown spaciousness of our staterooms or the upside down elegance of our salons, everything is fit for a broken washing machine. Our ships are skippered by Norwegian biting ants, whose ancestors, dating back to the ninth pile of mildewing laundry, were seafaring late for school children. Europe's most purple chefs repare your culinary Overeaters Anonymous dropouts. Our pastry chef creates itchy desserts that melt in your perplexed housewife. Our dashing waiters are at your old stinky towel before you can raise an ingrown hair. Don't delay. Plan to sail today. Now look in the mirror. How about that smiling sparkly pipe cleaner?

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Prom

If there's a melody you can't seem to get out of your (part of the body) or a song running through your (part of the body), then bring your feet to this year's (adjective) prom. As usual, our (noun) will be held in our high school (noun). A dress code will be observed. No one will be admitted wearing (verb, past tense) or torn (plural noun). Girls must wear a/an (noun) and boys must wear a dress shirt and a/an (noun). As always, hot (plural noun) will be served, and there will be (adjective) prizes and an award for the best-(verb ending in ING) couple. The (adjective) dance committee is also proud to announce that every girl who attends will receive a/an (noun) to pin to her (noun), and every boy will receive a complimentary (noun).

Koda Bear said...
If there's a melody you can't seem to get out of your tongue or a song running through your Adam's apple, then bring your feet to this year's confused prom. As usual, our dog will be held in our high school cat. A dress code will be observed. No one will be admitted wearing jumped or torn spoons. Girls must wear a pencil and boys must wear a dress shirt and a shoe. As always, hot bowls will be served, and there will be blue prizes and an award for the best-running couple. The squeaky dance committee is also proud to announce that every girl who attends will receive a Koda Bear to pin to her sock, and every boy will receive a complimentary Pouncey Cat.

Sassy said...
If there's a melody you can't seem to get out of your ear or a song running through your toe, then bring your feet to this year's brown prom. As usual, our backpack will be held in our high school Coco. A dress code will be observed. No one will be admitted wearing ran or torn shoes. Girls must wear toast and boys must wear a dress shirt and a headband. As always, hot bananas will be served, and there will be green prizes and an award for the best-pooping couple. The fluffy dance committee is also proud to announce that every girl who attends will receive a sock to pin to her blanket, and every boy will receive a complimentary picture frame.

Tree Monkey said...
If there's a melody you can't seem to get out of your foot or a song running through your finger, then bring your feet to this year's Dutch prom. As usual, our monkey butt will be held in our high school toy. A dress code will be observed. No one will be admitted wearing played or torn cat toys. Girls must wear a Sassy and boys must wear a dress shirt and a wrench. As always, hot dog toys will be served, and there will be blue & yellow prizes and an award for the best-farting couple. The polka dot dance committee is also proud to announce that every girl who attends will receive a Sox to pin to her grass, and every boy will receive a complimentary school.

Klin said...
If there's a melody you can't seem to get out of your elbow or a song running through your earlobe, then bring your feet to this year's strained prom. As usual, our cereal will be held in our high school wedding. A dress code will be observed. No one will be admitted wearing engaged or torn details, details, details. Girls must wear money and boys must wear a dress shirt and a work. As always, hot good times will be served, and there will be crepuscular prizes and an award for the best-planning couple. The gut-splitting dance committee is also proud to announce that every girl who attends will receive a California to pin to her ocean, and every boy will receive a complimentary sunshine.

Millie said...
If there's a melody you can't seem to get out of your spank-getter or a song running through your stink-maker, then bring your feet to this year's pasty white prom. As usual, our covert nostril explorer will be held in our high school clogging shoe. A dress code will be observed. No one will be admitted wearing swatted or torn dipwads. Girls must wear a perpetually tardy child and boys must wear a dress shirt and a trampoline spring. As always, hot Hare Krishnas at the airport will be served, and there will be sneeze-inducing prizes and an award for the best-wafting couple. The always a bridesmaid, never a bride dance committee is also proud to announce that every girl who attends will receive a parsley allergy victim to pin to her kitty toe ring, and every boy will receive a complimentary escaped mental patient.

Thorny Tree Lady said...
If there's a melody you can't seem to get out of your glabella or a song running through your sinus cavity, then bring your feet to this year's fleshy prom. As usual, our headache will be held in our high school beach ball. A dress code will be observed. No one will be admitted wearing flatulated or torn brownies. Girls must wear an exhaused mother who lets her kids run wild while she rests and boys must wear a dress shirt and a cell phone bill. As always, hot Lambertinis will be served, and there will be generic prizes and an award for the best-parasailing couple. The hair-raising dance committee is also proud to announce that every girl who attends will receive a Pull-Up that's supposed to be on the toddler's body but isn't to pin to her motivational talk that's fallen on deaf ears, and every boy will receive a complimentary T-Bone steak.