Friday, January 29, 2010

And Now A Word From...

It is almost impossible to watch (adjective)-time television without having some (adjective) athlete pitching a/an (noun) for you to buy. They sell you everything from soup to (plural noun). They are spokespersons for sneakers that (verb), as well as (adjective)-smelling deodorants you put under your (part of body, plural). Other products they endorse are designer (plural noun), watches with (adjective) movements, and (adjective) razors, which they guarantee will remove every (noun) from your (part of body). Athletes make more money from (verb ending in ING) products than they can earn from playing (plural noun).

Klin said...
It is almost impossible to watch cape wearing-time television without having some snot licking athlete pitching a screaming teenage boy for you to buy. They sell you everything from soup to Top Gun flybys. They are spokespersons for sneakers that yodel, as well as half-baked-smelling deodorants you put under your kidneys. Other products they endorse are designer second hand clothes, watches with tattle-telling movements, and ridiculous razors, which they guarantee will remove every exemplary position from your spleen. Athletes make more money from almost shrieking products than they can earn from playing Hawaiian Haystacks.

Millie said...
It is almost impossible to watch diarrhea-resembling-time television without having some headless athlete pitching an ugly pity plant for you to buy. They sell you everything from soup to eyeball jello molds. They are spokespersons for sneakers that screech, as well as smacked silly-smelling deodorants you put under your elbow chub wrinkles. Other products they endorse are designer Kipper stories, watches with lavender with pink stripes movements, and "sniffs when meeting strangers" razors, which they guarantee will remove every bent-over whale tail wearer from your tootsie. Athletes make more money from manhandling products than they can earn from playing Costco birthday cakes.

Heffalump said...
It is almost impossible to watch gut wrenching-time television without having some luminous athlete pitching a carrot-wielding gardener for you to buy. They sell you everything from soup to crock pots full of award winning chili. They are spokespersons for sneakers that reach, as well as addlepated-smelling deodorants you put under your pinkies. Other products they endorse are designer recently pedicured toenails, watches with groggy movements, and dizzying razors, which they guarantee will remove every eensy weensy spider from your mandible. Athletes make more money from smirking products than they can earn from playing moles that strangely change position on faces.

FluffyChicky said...
It is almost impossible to watch hair-raising-time television without having some vomit-inducing athlete pitching a Slap-Happy Sam the Town Drunk for you to buy. They sell you everything from soup to super secret and specially trained attack weasels. They are spokespersons for sneakers that spank, as well as shnockered-smelling deodorants you put under your slightly backed up digestive tract. Other products they endorse are designer boogers, watches with voluptuous movements, and clammy razors, which they guarantee will remove every buffalo shaving contest winner from your surgically enhanced clavicle. Athletes make more money from spitting products than they can earn from playing gnarly thumb knuckles.


FluffyChicky said...

I want an eyeball jello mold.

And designer second hand clothes.

And eensy weensy spiders in my mandible?! G.R.O.S.S.

Klin said...

"which they guarantee will remove every bent-over whale tail wearer from your tootsie."

Bahahahahahahahahaha That one made me think!

Heffalump said...

I want a super-secret and specially trained attack weasel!
And an eyeball jello mold would probably sell...