The Constitution of the United States was adopted September 17, 1787.
Studying the Constitution is a/an (adjective) rainy day camp activity. In 1787, a convention of important American (plural noun) ratified our Constitution. The Constitution was a/an (adjective) document that guaranteed that the U.S. would not merely be a league of independent (plural noun), but a nation with a/an (adjective) government that would deal with (plural noun) as well as (plural noun). The Constitution provided for a senate, to which every state would send two (plural noun), and a larger body called the House of (plural noun), which was based on population. The government was divided into three branches: the judicial, the legislative, and the (adjective). This created a system of checks and (plural noun) that works to protect us to this day and gives us our (adjective) government of the people, for the people, and by the (plural noun).
Heffalump said...
Studying the Constitution is an argyle patterned rainy day camp activity. In 1787, a convention of important American Seven Dwarves ratified our Constitution. The Constitution was a devoid of the milk of human kindness document that guaranteed that the U.S. would not merely be a league of independent astronaut monkeys, but a nation with a baggy lipped government that would deal with pickpockets as well as waiters who wish they were actors. The Constitution provided for a senate, to which every state would send two fire hydrants, and a larger body called the House of Child Stars who left Disney behind to become total skanks, which was based on population. The government was divided into three branches: the judicial, the legislative, and the dripping with ooze. This created a system of checks and Borg Drones that works to protect us to this day and gives us our putrescent government of the people, for the people, and by the American Idol Rejects.
Millie said...
Studying the Constitution is a stiff drink-needing rainy day camp activity. In 1787, a convention of important American mystery dates ratified our Constitution. The Constitution was a crunchy document that guaranteed that the U.S. would not merely be a league of independent people who break chairs over other people's noses, but a nation with a stupefied by Weird Al government that would deal with hallucinogenic avocados as well as special brownies. The Constitution provided for a senate, to which every state would send two angry earwigs, and a larger body called the House of fishnet stockings, which was based on population. The government was divided into three branches: the judicial, the legislative, and the always a bridesmaid never a bride. This created a system of checks and toe smellers that works to protect us to this day and gives us our chicken waddle-obsessed government of the people, for the people, and by the sadistic ruler-wielding nuns.
Klin said...
Studying the Constitution is a whiny-pouty rainy day camp activity. In 1787, a convention of important American wet smelling dogs ratified our Constitution. The Constitution was a ridiculously repetitive document that guaranteed that the U.S. would not merely be a league of independent super dramatic tv shows, but a nation with a nutty cream government that would deal with piles and piles of folded clean bedding as well as beautiful children. The Constitution provided for a senate, to which every state would send two hot steamy showers, and a larger body called the House of pedicures, which was based on population. The government was divided into three branches: the judicial, the legislative, and the dingy brown. This created a system of checks and gazillion puzzle pieces that works to protect us to this day and gives us our dusty mite filled government of the people, for the people, and by the bags and bags of garbage.
Thorny Tree Lady said...
Studying the Constitution is a busier than a one-armed wallpaper hanger rainy day camp activity. In 1787, a convention of important American LA Dodger fans ratified our Constitution. The Constitution was a cheap as a two dollar whore document that guaranteed that the U.S. would not merely be a league of independent dental fillings, but a nation with a hypocritical as Obama's two speeches this week government that would deal with severed head Halloween decorations as well as Crayola Crayons. The Constitution provided for a senate, to which every state would send two bags of garbage, and a larger body called the House of hip-hop dancers, which was based on population. The government was divided into three branches: the judicial, the legislative, and the tangy. This created a system of checks and unusually happy emo kids that works to protect us to this day and gives us our easy-peasy lemon-squeezey government of the people, for the people, and by the no-bake cookies.
FluffyChicky said...
Studying the Constitution is a gargantuan rainy day camp activity. In 1787, a convention of important American Lee press-on nails ratified our Constitution. The Constitution was a goose-stepping document that guaranteed that the U.S. would not merely be a league of independent Cream Soda addicts, but a nation with a coma-inducing government that would deal with panty raiders as well as Cousin Herbie’s tap dancing pigeons. The Constitution provided for a senate, to which every state would send two synchronized pink moped driving teams, and a larger body called the House of members of the Adults Who Still Wet Their Beds But Secretly Like It Society, which was based on population. The government was divided into three branches: the judicial, the legislative, and the suspiciously seductive. This created a system of checks and flaming bags of dog poop that works to protect us to this day and gives us our poopy-smelling government of the people, for the people, and by the freaky freaks who like to get their freak on.
Important American Mystery Dates ratified our Constitution? Wow, can you imagine the excitement when you flipped-open the door on the board game to find your date was Thomas Jefferson!!!
Somebody needs to get their History Facts straight...The Dodgers are in the National league, not the American.
This was a good one (not that they aren't always good)!
I tried to step up to the plate and do more than just the basic nouns and adjectives. It's so much pressure to make my brain think that hard!
Duuuudddee!! I had an entry too! Where is MINE!!??!?!?!
So I'm wondering if the main ingredient in the hallucinogenic avocados and the "special" brownies is the same plant ;) ;)
Oh this was a dandy. I'm printing it off and sharing.
Some of these are sooooo close to the type of interpretation being made today it is FREAKY!!!!!
"by the sadistic ruler-weilding nuns"
"a hypocritical as Obama's two speeches this week government that would deal with severed head Halloween decorations as well as Crayola Crayons." ROFLMBO
"was a devoid of the milk of human kindness document that guaranteed that the U.S. would not merely be a league of independent astronaut monkeys" Need I say more :)
"a nation with a nutty cream government that would deal with piles and piles of folded clean bedding as well as beautiful children." And can it get any better than that peeps? I think not :D
Even WV is in on it "evultrai"
Sorry, Fluffy, it's fixed now.
This really was a good one. I had my doubts about it on Monday when I started filling them in, but as always, you ladies didn't let me down. :)
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