Lewis Carroll's classic, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, as well as its (adjective) sequel, Through the Looking (noun), have enchanted both the young and the old (plural noun) for the last (number) years. Alice's (adjective) adventures begin when she (verb ending in S) down a/an (adjective) hole and lands in a strange and topsy-turvy (noun). There she discovers she can become a tall (noun) or a small (noun) simply by nibbling on alternate sides of a magic (noun). In her travels through Wonderland, Alice (verb ending in S) such remarkable characters as the White (noun), the (adjective) Hatter, the Cheshire (noun), and even the Queen of (plural noun). Unfortunately, Alice's adventures come to a/an (adjective) end when Alice awakens from her (noun).
Candace said...
Lewis Carroll's classic, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, as well as its thick sequel, Through the Looking House, have enchanted both the young and the old children for the last 40 years. Alice's stubborn adventures begin when she longs down a sweaty hole and lands in a strange and topsy-turvy beach. There she discovers she can become a tall cheese factory or a small Yellowstone Park simply by nibbling on alternate sides of a magic Seattle. In her travels through Wonderland, Alice winks at such remarkable characters as the White Couch, the Gooey Hatter, the Cheshire Jar, and even the Queen of Beds. Unfortunately, Alice's adventures come to a/an (adjective) end when Alice awakens from her garden.
Millie said...
Lewis Carroll's classic, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, as well as its late to everything sequel, Through the Looking Disgruntled WinCo Employee, have enchanted both the young and the old pumpkin plants for the last 14 years. Alice's cobweb-covered adventures begin when she shakes down a retreating hole and lands in a strange and topsy-turvy ear hair. There she discovers she can become a tall outdated-color Tupperware cup or a small shrimp-up-noser simply by nibbling on alternate sides of a magic visiting teacher. In her travels through Wonderland, Alice goobers on such remarkable characters as the White Fly Smirk, the Jacob-obsessed Hatter, the Cheshire Upper Arm Chub, and even the Queen of Hospital Bed Controls. Unfortunately, Alice's adventures come to a Ziploc bag-like end when Alice awakens from her tactless grandmother.
FluffyChicky said...
Lewis Carroll's classic, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, as well as its toxic sequel, Through the Looking Dirty Hippie, have enchanted both the young and the old poodle head slippers for the last 17 years. Alice's flammable adventures begin when she slinks down a corrosive hole and lands in a strange and topsy-turvy heart shaped sunglasses. There she discovers she can become a tall Vincent van Gogh’s severed ear or a small armpit fart simply by nibbling on alternate sides of a magic swimming pool full of wolverines. In her travels through Wonderland, Alice stinks up such remarkable characters as the White Grouchy Park Ranger, the Reactive Hatter, the Cheshire Prison Barber, and even the Queen of Snorks. Unfortunately, Alice's adventures come to a flabby end when Alice awakens from her overdue library book.
Klin said...
Lewis Carroll's classic, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, as well as its missing sequel, Through the Looking Library, have enchanted both the young and the old series of belches for the last 3 years. Alice's spectacular adventures begin when she slips down a snarky hole and lands in a strange and topsy-turvy tootsie roll. There she discovers she can become a tall drama queen or a small ripped up, worn out cowboy boot simply by nibbling on alternate sides of a magic lego house. In her travels through Wonderland, Alice poops such remarkable characters as the White Nerf Football, the Hungry Hatter, the Cheshire Nightly News, and even the Queen of Dog Turds. Unfortunately, Alice's adventures come to a crunchy end when Alice awakens from her ornery daughter.
1 comment:
"Alice's adventures come to a Ziploc bag-like end when Alice awakens from her tactless grandmother."
I think I'm Alice! My grandmother is not only tactless she is down right psychotic.
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