Friday, November 12, 2010


Too many (plural noun) spoil the (a liquid).
People who live in (adjective) houses shouldn’t throw (plural noun).
The shortest distance between two (plural noun) is a straight (noun).
Love of (plural noun) is the root of all evil.
A/An (adjective) stone gathers no moss.
A/an (noun) a day keeps the (noun) away.
He who (verb ending in S) last (verb ending in S) best.
A/An (noun) in time saves (number).
You can’t keep a/an (adjective) man down.
You can’t teach a/an (adjective) (noun) new tricks.
Life is (adjective), life is (adjective), and the (noun) is not the goal.
The way to a man’s (noun) is through his (noun).

Klin said...
Too many dirty dishes spoil the dish soap.
People who live in orange houses shouldn’t throw magazines.
The shortest distance between two dance recital invitations is a straight game of Life.
Love of loads of clean dishes is the root of all evil.
A brown stone gathers no moss.
A new baby puppy a day keeps the fresh paint away.
He who sings last burps best.
A giggling girl in time saves 47.
You can’t keep a turkey-like man down.
You can’t teach a silly hot tub new tricks.
Life is festive, life is eavesdropping, and the updated family picture is not the goal.
The way to a man’s bubble butt is through his clean carpet.

Heffalump said...
Too many centipedes spoil the baby spit up.
People who live in delicious houses shouldn’t throw conveyor belts.
The shortest distance between two freeze dried figs is a straight apple crisp.
Love of pistachios is the root of all evil.
An awe-inspiring stone gathers no moss.
A debonair valet a day keeps the ascot away.
He who sends last admonishes best.
A crimping iron in time saves 7.128.
You can’t keep a verklempt man down.
You can’t teach a theoretical satellite new tricks.
Life is belly aching, life is blotchy, and the personal training is not the goal.
The way to a man’s trampoline is through his flea collar.

Millie said...
Too many technical difficulties spoil the calf slobber.
People who live in Czechoslovakian houses shouldn’t throw cranky old geezers.
The shortest distance between two French artists named Valerie is a straight tooth gap.
Love of half-smoked cigars is the root of all evil.
A crunchified stone gathers no moss.
A Frasier fan a day keeps the purple nurple away.
He who squats last defenestrates best.
A misunderstood Neighborhood Tough in time saves 23.
You can’t keep an oiled up and ready to wrestle man down.
You can’t teach an extreme scalp itch new tricks.
Life is slapped incoherent, life is sipped slowly, and the day spent playing hookie is not the goal.
The way to a man’s English muffin is through his leg cramp.